Is Napping at the Workplace Really Productive?

With employee wellness at the heart of a modern office design; it’s more than often that one finds sleeping pods at the workplace. Studies established that more than one-third of the working adults in India are sleep deprived and feel sluggish throughout the day in office; more so post lunch. Bringing back the pre-school pastime,Continue reading “Is Napping at the Workplace Really Productive?”

4 Annoying Office Habits to Shun for a More Professional Approach

How to Behave Professionally at Work For some, office feels like at home, especially when they’ve been into the same workplace for long. But an office isn’t exactly your home and a professional conduct is expected out of everyone. Though every corporate operating out of Commercial Property For Sale In Noida has their own setContinue reading “4 Annoying Office Habits to Shun for a More Professional Approach”

Budget-friendly Sustainability for Commercial Organizations

Considering the recent developments in the arena of climate change, sustainability is the need of the hour. Our planet is witnessing the worst of natural disasters from wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, shrinking of sea-ice, rising sea-levels, floods, and much more. If you are looking for a commercial space for rent that adheres to sustainable standards, checkContinue reading “Budget-friendly Sustainability for Commercial Organizations”

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