Is Napping at the Workplace Really Productive?

With employee wellness at the heart of a modern office design; it’s more than often that one finds sleeping pods at the workplace. Studies established that more than one-third of the working adults in India are sleep deprived and feel sluggish throughout the day in office; more so post lunch.

Bringing back the pre-school pastime, ‘napping time’ at workplace has helped companies recover some billion dollars that used to get lost due to decreased productivity and absenteeism.

While the millennial workplaces like Facebook, Google, and more have sleeping pods for their employees, it’s high time the rest of the bandwagon should follow the lead. Though many companies acquiring commercial space for rent in Kolkata and Gurgaon have initiated power breaks but napping pods are yet a distant dream.

Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of nap time at workplace:

Nap Time at Workplace Benefits

Nap Time Perk Brings in Sincere Talent

When potential candidates see a nap room or sleeping pod in the office, it motivates and urges them to work in your company. It also puts the company at a better pedestal as a firm that values employees’ health and wellness. Moreover, the existing workforce too feels better dedicated at work after the power nap.

Nap Time Fuels Performance

Well-rested employees can rock a client phone call and you can almost see those deals rolling in the company. Their ability to pay attention to detail, reaction to stressful situations, and overall performance takes a major boost once they get to nap in between the long day at work.

Power Nap Keeps Employees Agile & Creative

A recent study concluded that a 20-minute nap can increase a worker’s psychomotor performance by 54% along with his level of alertness. Creative people are more likely to get worn out after a certain stretch and need their minds to refuel with a power nap to get those creative juices flowing.

Nap Time at Workplace Cons

Nap Time at Wrong Time

Very often the HR may get apprehensive if a worker is misusing the nap time as slacking off. Mayo Clinic established the fact that the best time to nap is between 2 to 3pm. Any later or sooner than that is going to affect an employee’s productivity.

Design Constraints

So, you’ve willingly decided to introduce the power breaks in office but fear that your workspace isn’t designed accordingly. Additionally, sleeping pods are pretty expensive too, up to $1000. While this can be tackled by blocking off the regular meeting room for a certain slot every day and placing murphy beds or bean bags inside to serve the purpose.

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