5 Must-Have Remote Work Essentials to Get it Right!

Working from home may sound easy but nailing it is the toughest thing to do. It is a real art to say the least. While you may picture a lazy day curling up in your couch with a laptop lying somewhere close in your vicinity, it’s actually harder than you can think of. Working remotely is even harder than working from the office and it gets challenging to work from hoke because of the challenges it comes with. Lack of discipline, blurred lines between personal and professional lives, and non-existence of a congenial working environment are few of the road blocks.

Since most commercial places for rent in Kolkata and other metro cities are closed for remote working due to the pandemic, employees are left with no choice but to return to their couches to get that dose of productivity. However, with the right work from home essentials, you can nail the remote work scenario like a pro.
Here are the 5 must-have remote work essentials:

  1. Keep Work & Home Separate
    Ideally, you should have a separate work corner even if you’re at home so that when the work day ends, you can shut the door to your home office to have that clear line of distinction. But since we all live in regular-sized condos, it might get a little challenging.

In that case, you can install a make-shift work-from-home office in any productive and distraction-free corner of your home. Make sure it has some door provision to shut out the noise from outside.

  1. Have an Office-like Desk Setting
    Just because you’re not working form office like you used to in Kolkata SEZ, doesn’t mean you can’t have office-like desk setting at home. Go and grab some essential stationery and supplies like a paper shredder, stationary cupboard, file folders, or even small things like sticky notes. They will help you create an office-similar structure to give you that sense of professional zone.
  2. Dress for the Job
    Even if you’re working from home, make sure you don’t sit and laze around all day in your hoodie and pyjamas. It might seem tempting but it defeats the entire purpose of creating an office-like work setting at home. Make sure you get up on time every day, take a shower and wear clean business formals at home, just like you did to office.
  3. Stick to a Disciplined Routine
    It can get very easy and comforting for remote workers to lose the sense of time and days when working form home and the entire discipline is thrown off the track. However, to best avoid this situation, make sure you stick to your earlier work routine while you used to go to office. Wake up on the same time, get dressed, and utilize the travel time to read something (not social media posts) for a great head start to the day.
  4. Invest in a Desk Chair
    You wouldn’t want to end up like that workman who quarrels with his won tools and that reiterates the notion that while you know you’ve to spend a major part of your year on working form home, you should better invest in an ergonomic desk and chair. That will make the job easier for you without being a pain in your behind.

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